X-Ray Procedures

Diagnostic X-Ray Procedures in Baner

X-Ray Procedures

An X-ray is a procedure that produces images of the inside of your body. In the procedure, a machine sends X-ray beams through your body. The resulting images are recorded either on film or by a computer.

X-ray images show the body in shades of black and white, because different tissues absorb different amounts of radiation. Dense materials in the body (such as bones or metal) show up as white on an X-ray image. 

Conditions We Diagnose With X-Ray

Various types of diagnostic X-ray procedures are ordered for different reasons. Common procedures include:

  • HSG : Hysterosalpingography (HSG) evaluates the shape of the uterus and checks whether the fallopian tubes are open. It’s also used to investigate miscarriages due to problems in the uterus.
  • Barium Studies : It is a study for the gastrointestinal tract. It is generally used to highlight abnormalities in the GI tract- to determine the cause of painful swallowing, abdominal pain, bloodstained vomit, or unexplained weight loss. The barium study continues to be performed as a safe, cost-effective diagnostic test for patients with a gamut of gastrointestinal conditions.
  • RGU & MCUG
  • Fistulogram

The procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to more than an hour, depending on the type of image your doctor needs. A technician will position your body and the X-ray machine. You will need to remain still and may have to hold your breath during the X-ray. Movement can cause blurry images.

The machine will capture images of your body as you sit, stand, or lie still. The process is painless. If you need a contrast medium for your X-ray, you’ll swallow it or receive it by an intravenous injection or enema ahead of time.

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